Harmony Restored
Scranton, Sports massage, Massage in scranton, massage therapy in scranton, pa
Chair Massage at your location


You can give your employees a happier, healthier and more productive work experience! At little or no cost to you. Stress Costs You Money!

Call Now For More Information Dave 570-335-2283

Stress is the invisible killer of productivity and profitability in your business. Large corporations and small businesses alike have known this little secret for years. The effects of stress are cumulative, and without time to relax and recharge, can lead to:

• Headaches, backaches, eyestrain, neck pain.

• Repetitive use injuries such as tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

• Restlessness, poor concentration, anxiety, depression, irritability or anger.

• Lowered resistance to colds and infections, high blood pressure and heart disease.

• Physical and emotional exhaustion, also known as “burn-out.” Don't forget about the cost of employee turnover and absenteeism. OUCH! On-Site Seated Massage Can Help! Corporate chair massage is a growing trend in companies of ALL sizes. For over a decade, on-site seated massage has been effectively relieving stress in the workplace for everyone from CEO’s to hourly employees. Here are some benefits.

• Reduces muscle tension and the pain it causes. • Calms the nervous system and increases circulation, which boosts energy and alertness.

• Helps employees identify and release tension on their own before it becomes a problem.

• Provides a complete change of pace so the body and mind can relax and rejuvenate.

• Relieves stress.• Improves employee morale.

• Increases productivity.• Lowers health care costs.


What Is Seated Massage? A massage therapist comes to your workplace with a portable massage chair that is designed for comfort and support. It can be set up and dismantled quickly in almost any location. On-site seated massage is a brief massage which:• Provides massage to the neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands. • Uses no oil & the employee remains fully clothed. • Leaves the employee feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to return to work and it makes the owner or manager look GREAT in the eyes of the employees! Scheduling and Cost On-site chair massage is VERY affordable. There is no investment in equipment or facilities. We offer flexible scheduling options to fit your busy office schedule. We can schedule in the morning, noon or afternoons. Each chair massages can last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of employees participating. As the owner / manager, YOU decide who pays for the chair massages. Maybe you want to reward your employees and the business pays for it. Or maybe you will choose to have the employees who use the service pay for it out of pocket. Different companies handle it differently. Most importantly, YOU decide what’s best for your situation. IT'S A VERY VERSATILE BENEFIT, TOO!

Once on-site massage is in place at your workplace, you may find it is also a great way to recognize birthdays, service anniversaries, provide incentive awards, employee appreciation, reward good attendance or an accident-free time period, or for achieving company or individual goals. The possibilities are endless!

Thanks Have a great day.

David Jennings





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