Harmony Restored
Scranton, Sports massage, Massage in scranton, massage therapy in scranton, pa

Thanks for a great year from massage therapy in Scranton Pa, by Dave. Massage therapy in Scranton Pa has become well known by many of the local residents and out of town guest. It is hard to believe I have been in business for the past 17 years. I would like to say "Thank You" to all my friends and clients who have come to me for a massage. Your friendship and patronage is very appreciated. I cant begin to tell you all how much your friendship means to me.

When I became a massage therapist, my original intent was to utilize the massage therapy practice to get myself through nursing school. As time moved forward I found myself having a new understanding of the importance of physical exercise, proper nutrition and the benefits of massage therapy.

Many of my clients are very healthy. I have clients that range in age from 17 to 86. For the most part my clients/friends do not spend much time in the doctors office or hospital. I had to ask myself; what are they doing differently?

I realized, my clients take care of themselves, they eat right, (for the most part), they work out and they give their bodies rest and in many cases, massage therapy to help their bodies heal. In the few instances where my clients did have the need for medical intervention, they healed quickly and were able to get back into the game.

A quality massage is like hitting the reset switch on life!!!

Life can be very strenuous, whether it is physical or mental strain we need to find a way to escape to a relaxing place. A massage from Dave, is just what the doctor ordered!  You can rest assured you will feel amazing when you are done. 


Hello friends,

We would like to dedicate this blog page to selling retail items through affiliated marketing. As we are always striving to keep cost down, and provide the highest quality service and product , we have decided to share some great products and where you can purchase them from. 

Through the years, we have found many items to be high quality, and unfortunately some items to be inferior. I wish to utilize this page to show case the items I have come to trust and use on a daily basis. I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain an affiliate link that at no additional cost to you. I do receive a small commission for being an affiliate marketer for amazon.



This diffuser offers a great stream of misted, scented air and was reasonably priced. I use this on in the Clarks Summit location. It provides a slight amount of humidity in air

Here is the link. https://amzn.to/3N290n0  


Thank you

Dave Jennings





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